On the third Sunday of the month our Sunday Eucharist starts with a short service of healing and anointing. If you feel you need prayer, please do come forward for prayer and anointing. Or if you prefer, you can use the time to light a candle or pray or meditate in quiet.
This service is designed to heighten our awareness of the healing power of the Eucharist. In the Eucharist we can find healing of mind, body and soul. When we allow the Holy Spirit into our inner being we begin to see the world through new eyes. We can know the comfort of the Holy Spirit and we can know his strength to share in carrying our burdens and pains, and to give us the strength to go outwards into the world giving thanks for our many blessings. Wherever we are on our journey with Christ the Eucharist will bring us closer to him and he will support us in our needs and give us encouragement.
This short service helps us to lay our burdens at the foot of the cross and ask Jesus to share in carrying them. Here we begin letting go of anger or doubt, giving us strength through dark times. Hopefully you will find it of use as we go about our busy and sometimes lonely lives.
Creche facilities are available in the Lady Chapel; there are also activities for older children.