St John the Baptist Sharing Christ's love in Perth
Our Church Family
Rector The Very Rev’d Graham S.Taylor
Assistant Priest Rev’d Annie MacKay Hughes
Rev’d Mariusz Wojciechowski
Retired Assistant Clergy Rt Rev’d Bruce Cameron
Rev’d Canon Shelley Marsh
Rev’d Canon Alan Tilson
Church officers
Church Administrator Eleanor McGourty
Rector’s Warden Hamish Shankland
People’s Warden David Willington
Lay Representative Christine Bracewell
Alternate Lay Rep Jean Hendry
Vestry Secretary Holly Scott
Treasurer Jackie Thomson
Director of Music & Organist Robin Miller
Sacristan Vivienne Underwood
Team Convenors
Ministry and Pastoral Alan McPherson
Finance and Stewardship Jackie Thomson
Communications Eleanor McGourty
Children and young people Jean Hendry
Building and Eco David Maclehose
Health and Safety Officer Chris Rose
Social Fundraising Group
Facebook Shelley Marsh
Church Activities
Intercessors and Readers Eleanor McGourty
Christian Aid Elaine Cameron
Young Church activities  Jean Hendry
Fellowship Secretary Jean Hendry
Prayer Group Ruth Harris
Traidcraft Rhiannon Miller
Perth Action of Churches Together Jean Hendry
Flowers Christine Bracewell
Magazine Editor David Willington
Threshold bookings Eleanor McGourty
St John the Baptist