St John the Baptist Sharing Christ's love in Perth
Welcome to St John’s

Welcome to our website we hope you find it a helpful resource in discovering more about St John’s as a place of worship and its community.

Sunday 9th February 10.30am service YouTube link should be available here shortly before worship commences: 

To download a pew sheet for the service noted above please click the link provided here:

The direct link to our YouTube channel can be accessed here: St John’s Episcopal Church, Perth

The links on this page may not work on mobile phones or tablets but the worship links can currently be accessed through the video section of the website by clicking the small bars at the top of the web page.  The links to Sunday worship will all remain in the video section which is easily accessed at the top of the page.

Many may continue to appreciate the Sunday service being streamed by the Province.  This is the link to give access to the Provincial worship page:

Christmas Day 2024

On Sunday 28th July Dean Graham welcomed Revd Mariusz Wojciechowski as a new member of the clergy team at St John's. His wife Anna was in the congregation and also received a welcome. The congregation of St John's looks forward to getting to know them both in the coming months. As usual there was 'cake' in the threshold after the service to complete the welcome. There are more photos in the posts section of the website.

Images from St John's on our Patronal Festival Day June 2024.  Grateful thanks are due to all who helped decorate the church and helped with the celebration lunch in the hall.

Some images of our Easter Sunday service, the wonderful flower arrangements and the Easter Garden.

On Sunday morning 10th of August we welcomed Brian Whitten and a group of the church recorders who put a huge amount of work into producing the book in the photographs below. In time a copy will be made available to view in the church and other copies have been given to other official bodies as a matter of public record.

The Rector: The Very Reverend Graham Taylor at the service for his Installation as Dean of the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunblane and Dunkeld on November 21st 2021

The main image is from Easter Sunday April 2019
(See more of the church interior.)
St John's is an open, welcoming Eucharistic-based community, committed to moving forward in its mission and outreach to the wider church and secular community, offering a nurturing environment seeking to serve God through the gifts of its people.

Our Church of St. John the Baptist exists

  • to worship God as understood in the person, life, death and resurrection of Jesus;
  • to care for the people of Perth and its environs;
  • and to engage with the wider world in a positive, caring and thoughtful way.
A Street Pastor sharing some of his experience at Café Church

We are an inclusive church and work without making judgments and in complete confidence, with people of all faiths, cultures, races, genders and sexual orientations. And we welcome the opportunity of sharing with you in your journey of faith. We would be delighted to help with Baptisms and Marriages, and we are also available to help support through Funerals and bereavement.

We are a Scottish Episcopal Church in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, part of the world-wide Anglican Communion. Seven dioceses cover the whole of Scotland bearing witness to faith today and tracing a history back to the earliest known Christians in Scotland. We are a part of the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane.

Bishop Ian Paton with Rector Canon Graham Taylor prior to our Patronal Festival service on Sunday 23rd June

There is a Scottish Episcopal Church presence in communities across Scotland. Members of the church engage in roles of active Christian leadership on peace, justice and human rights issues as well as having pastoral and educational roles. The church works closely with other Christian denominations and faith communities in Scotland in responding to the needs and concerns of all people.

St John the Baptist